DUI Laws | Drunk Driving Laws Consequences And Penalties
DUI Laws | Drunk Driving Laws Consequences And Penalties

In Arizona, you can be arrested for a Arizona DUI offense based on two laws. First, if your driving is impaired based on your driving pattern and there is any alcohol in your system, you could be convicted of a DUI. Arizona also has a per se law that states that drivers who have a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08% or higher are guilty of driving under the influence. The test has to be performed within two hours of the arrest to be valid.
DUI Arrests in Arizona

When you are arrested for a potential DUI, you will be asked to submit to a BAC test. You can refuse to take the test, but doing so will mean that your license is automatically suspended. Your arrest will mean that you face two cases, one in the court system and one with the Motor Vehicle Department. You must request the MVD hearing within 15 days of your arrest. If you do not, you will not have the chance to protect your right to drive. Using a qualified attorney will help you file the necessary paperwork in time so that you can have your MVD hearing.
Basic Consequences for First Time Offenders

If your arrest is your first DUI arrest in the last five years, you will face certain consequences. First time offenders can expect to face the following:

* Jail time between 10 days and 6 months
* Drug and alcohol evaluation and treatment
* Between $250 and $2500 in fines
* Probation between 1 to 5 years
* Ignition Interlock Device possible

If you would rather spend only one day in jail, you can do so by accepting counseling offered by the court. If your conviction is not your first within five years or if your BAC was .15% or higher, you will face stricter consequences.
License Suspensions for Arizona DUI

Besides the monetary consequences and the jail time you will face, an Arizona DUI conviction will also cause you to lose your right to drive. At the time of your arrest you will be taken, and you will not be able to drive again for the length of your suspension. The suspension times are as follows:

* First offenders - 90 days
* Second offenders - 1 year
* Third offenders - 3 years

If there are extenuating circumstances surrounding your arrest, you may lose your license for longer times. Also, if you refuse to take a BAC test, you will lose your license for a minimum of one year. You can apply for a restricted license with the MVD if there are no extenuating circumstances surrounding your arrest. For first time offenders, the restricted license will allow restricted driving privileges after 30 days.
Insurance Consequences

Besides the consequences imposed by the court and the MVD, you will also face consequences with your insurance carrier. After your Arizona DUI conviction, you will either lose your insurance coverage or have to pay extremely high rates for coverage. If your current carrier drops your coverage, you will have it difficult to find another company willing to cover you, and if you do the rates will be high. Insurance coverage is required before you will be given your license back.

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